Ok, yesterday I went boiling with Abby (bestie) and Abby's friend Raine and Misha. It was a great expirence but I'll never forget those toxic, death, discusting slushies! They slithered down my esophagus and burned holes in my stomach. IT WAS HANIS! Every so often I got little burps of death. It was basically ice cubes, food color, toxic chemicals, and sno cone flavor that went bad 3 years ago. I can't even imagine the side effects of FINISHING it! I traded it in because 1-there was a hole in the cup and 2-it was discusting the rootbeer was much better.
Well if you read Abby's blog you know all about "prune"! I have a bit more details how she basically RUINED MY LIFE and so much more! She cheats off of smarter people's homework and acts like simple stuff, super EASY stuff, is flipping rocket science! What the heck! Plus, PLUS! When we partner up she never does ANYTHING and makes me do everything! She so unambitious and never tries and is smart but never applies herself! THIS IS MAKING ME TOO ANGRY TO EVEN TALK ABOUT! Catch you later, :/

Ps: read Abby's blog for more info

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